Friday, December 7, 2012

Our Lady's Mercy

*Ok, this one's a little weird. It's a micro-story (also known as flash fiction; usually 300–1000 words), and the assignment was to create a sci-fi or fantasy Thanksgiving-themed story. So this is what I came up with. Enjoy!

            In the sixth year of the third age of Milankra, (one thousand, six hundred and twenty anno domini by the humans’ reckoning), a strange thing happened that has never happened before or since: the great lady of the sea let a victim go. I, Milankra’s handmaid, document these happenings to prove that there did exist one time when Milankra was merciful. It happened this way: we became aware of another vessel of humans traversing the waters above us, and we alerted Milankra, as were our orders. She awoke from her deep slumber and fixed her thoughts on the craft above. Containing just over one hundred and thirty of the bipeds, this would hardly constitute a meal for her ladyship, but she bade us fetch this one anyway.
            During our journey to the surface (which constitutes several of the human’s days—how quickly time must pass for them!) we were alerted by Milankra to halt. Sending us her thoughts through the water, we learned that she had discovered something about this vessel that she found interesting. In the time the humans call Ahktowburr, on this tiny vessel, a new human had been born. We strained our minds, and heard the bipeds call it “Oceanus” after the surface over which it was born. Why this new human’s presence gave Milankra pause, we were not told. We were simply ordered to turn around and return to our mistress in the depths.
            Upon returning we found her again in hibernation. To the time of this chronicle, none have ventured to ask Milankra about her one moment of mercy. I feel it may have been due to her sadness that she would not again reproduce in her life cycle, but I have never voiced this opinion, being in doubt of it myself. We continued to watch the vessel as it reached its destination, and afterward observed the humans as they gave thanks to their god for safe passage and provision, unaware of how close they had come to being taken into our watery depths. 

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